Searching the OPAC/Catalog
Adding Holdings to Existing Sage Records
- Adding Items to bibliographic records (older but relevant)
- Adding holdings for non-physical/electronic resources
Editing/Maintaining Sage Holdings
- Copy Editor/Edit Item Attributes/Item Status(link from Circ)
- Using Item/Copy Templates
- Saving locally, modifying
- Exporting/Importing
- Batch Update Items
- Transfer Holdings to a New Record
- Deleting Holdings
- Records
- Volumes
- Copy/Item Level
- Replacing Barcodes
- Adding Bibliographic Records to Sage
- Necessary Permission Levels
- For original cataloging you need a CAT1 login.
- For Z39.50 / “match & attach” cataloging you need a CAT2 login.
- For adding items to existing records you need a CAT3 login.
- MARC imports via Z39.50
- MARC Batch Import/Export and this as well
- Sage’s Minimum MARC record
- Creating New MARC records (original cataloging)
- Cataloging Non-Physical Items (link)
- Necessary Permission Levels
- Using The MARC Editor
- Editing Overview
- OPAC Icons/Facet Search Fields (999 fields)
- Deleting MARC Records
- Setting Item Alerts (upon checkin)
- Copy and Record Buckets (older, but relevant)
- Merging Bib Records in Evergreen
- Serials
Materials Migrated From Sage Wiki
- Electronic Resources 856
- 999 Values for Sage
- Cataloging and Advanced Reader Copy
- Authority Records
- Cancel Control Numbers
- Sage Cataloging Policy
- CIP (Cataloging in Publication) Records
- Evergreen Keyboard Shortcuts When Editing MARC Records
- Sage Standards for Matching MARC Records
- Sage Cataloging Standards for Monographs (Books)
- Adding Monograph Parts (needs update)
- MARC fields for RDA Material Description
Required & Recommended MARC Fields For Records within Sage